We grow, learn, and serve.
God’s Work, Our Hands
Care Ministries
“…Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” ~Matthew 25:40
Our congregation supports many charitable and service organizations throughout the year. We respond in times of need to local, state, and national emergencies and natural disasters by providing needed supplies and monetary donations and by volunteering our time and talents. In addition to responding to specific needs, we have many ongoing projects.
Giving & Ministries
Monetary donations are collected once while worshiping or donations can be made online through your bank of choice or through VANCO.
First Lutheran collects non-perishable food and grocery items to support the Holy Trinity Food Pantry in East Orange.
Positive Change: On the last Sunday of each month during a special collection, loose change is collected during the children's message portion of worship and then donated to a charitable organization. Past donations have been given to:
Backpacks for Children
Interfaith Parish Nursing Program of Wallington Presbyterian Church
We support ELCA Ministries as well, including the ELCA Good Gifts Program – God's Global Barnyard, the ELCA Malaria Project, the ELCA HIV & AIDS Ministry, and other special calls for immediate support when the need for help is acute, such as during the aftermath of a natural disaster.
Helping Our Community and Beyond
First Lutheran supports Seafarers International House in New York City by maintaining an ongoing partnership with them. We contribute Christmas at Sea gifts for seafarers. We also provide filled cookie tins year-round for their Cookies & Prayers Ministry, where port chaplains bring tins filled with home-baked cookies and prayers from our congregation to seafarers during ship visits.
First Lutheran sponsors Winter Coat drives to support the New Jersey Cares organization. We hold coat and clothing drives in conjunction with Clifton Public Schools to support local children and families who may otherwise go without.
At Christmastime, gifts are collected to be given to disadvantaged families in our community through our Christmas Angel Tree program.
Annual Summer Picnic
Summer is a great time for barbeque! Aside from other fellowship opportunities throughout the year, we celebrate our life together as a church family with an annual picnic.