Christian Education
Sunday School
Sunday School is held for children aged three through 7th grade. During the readings and sermon of each service from September through May, children are invited to attend a brief session, where our valued teachers tell them Bible stories and guide them through activities to reinforce Jesus’ teachings.
Holy Communion Instruction
Every spring, second graders or older who would like to receive First Holy Communion are invited to a parent/child mini-retreat to understand the basis for this holy sacrament. Here, they make a banner with their name and symbols of what Holy Communion means to them.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation is a two year program, generally held for 8th- and 9th-grade students. These classes encourage students to apply what they have learned in church and Sunday School to their everyday lives; explore their faith deeply through discussion, questions, and service; and ultimately affirm their baptism and commitment to their faith with the knowledge and understanding of God’s promises to them.
ELCA National Youth Gathering
Every three years, our high school aged youth attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering. Eight youth will attend this summer’s gathering in New Orleans, Louisiana July 16-20. This incredible event literally changes their lives as they travel for a week with Pastor Jeff. The youth gathering brings close to 16,000 Lutheran youth together from every state in our country for learning, a day of service, daily worship in a football stadium with powerful bands and keynote speakers, and of course lots of fun. This intentional time away with peers is always one of the greatest faith formation events in a young person’s life.